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Passive voice

English - English Grammar & Composition - Passive voice

2. Passive Voice( কর্মবাচ্য ): কোন Sentence এ যদি Subject কে দিয়ে কোন কাজ করানো হয় বুঝায় তখন তাকে Passive Voice বলে ।

যেমন :

Rice Is eaten by me.

A letter is written by him.

A book is read by Fateha.

Football is being played by us.

Content added By
He was shocked by the news
He was shocked to the news
He is shocked to hear the news
He was shocked at the news
People call the lion the king of beasts
The lion calls the king of beasts
Someone call the lion the king of beasts
Everyone call the lion the king of beasts
He has already been told by someone to report for duty at six.
Someone has already been told by him to report for duty at six.
To report for duty at six has already been told by someone for him.
All of the above.
I was made drive his car by him.
I was made to drive his car by him.
I ws made driven his car by him.
I am made to drive his car by him
A car is going to be bought by me.
A car is being gone to buy me.
A car is being gone to be bought by me.
A car is being going to be bought by me.

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